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What is the best treatment for memory loss? Stem Cells Show Promise

The older we get, the more difficult we find it to remember everything and learn new things. It may be as simple as forgetting the keys on the way out to the car or forgetting the name of the person that you shared your first kiss. Memories enable us to navigate our everyday lives and connect with other people.

How can I improve my gut health? The Role Stem Cells Play in Healing

The medical community once thought that the gut was an incredibly simple system that was easy to understand. The original thought was that the digestive system was only responsible for absorbing the nutrients in food, while discarding the parts of the food that have no use. That thought has completely changed over the past 100 years or so. The medical community now understands what role the gut plays in several key areas.

What is hyperbaric Oxygen therapy and its use in regenerative medicine

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy refers to the medicinal use of oxygen respiration at 100% concentration and elevated pressures. These treatments usually are carried out in devices that allow compression, such as hyperbaric chambers. The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy are multiple and are mainly explained by three mechanisms: 1. Hydrostatic pressure and removal of inert gases from the tissues. 2. The pharmacological effect of high blood oxygen concentrations. 3. Oxygenation of hypoxic tissues. All this translates into antiischemic, regenerative, and even antimicrobial effects that facilitate its use in multiple diseases.

How facet joint surgery could be avoided through stem cell therapy

There are so many joints and bones in the spine it can be difficult to figure out what is what. The facet joint is the connection between the bones of the spine. As you can imagine, this is an incredibly important joint in the back. The facet joint keeps the bones of the spine together, while still allowing the spine to bend and twist. The joint is lined with cartilage and glide and slide when the back moves.

Do I really need ankle ligament surgery?

The ankle is one of the most injury prone areas of the body. There are over 1 million ankle injuries each year in the United States alone. It is pretty easy to see why; a simple wrong step on the pavement can cause extreme discomfort. The injury is such an issue that about 20% of sports related injuries are caused from ankle injuries. Ankle ligaments play a large part in ankle injuries as a whole.

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