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Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

RA is the most common form of autoimmune arthritis, affecting more than 1.3 million Americans. Of these, about 75 percent are women. In fact, 1–3 percent of women may get rheumatoid arthritis in their lifetime. The disease most often begins between the fourth and sixth decades of life. However, RA can start at any age.

RA is a chronic (long-term) disease that causes pain, stiffness, swelling and limited motion and function of many joints. While RA can affect any joint, the small joints in the hands and feet tend to be involved most often. Inflammation sometimes can affect organs as well, for instance, the eyes or lungs.

The stiffness seen in active RA is most often worst in the morning. It may last one to two hours (or even the whole day). Stiffness for a long time in the morning is a clue that you may have RA since few other arthritic diseases behave this way.

For instance, osteoarthritis most often does not cause prolonged morning stiffness. Other signs and symptoms that can occur in RA include:

  • Loss of energy
  • Low fevers
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dry eyes and mouth from a related health problem, Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Firm lumps, called rheumatoid nodules, which grow beneath the skin in places such as the elbow and hands

How Stem Cells treatment can help

Stem cell treatment involves administration of concentrated cells in the targeted area, wherein they can colonize in the damaged area, adapt the properties of resident stem cells and initiate some of the lost functions that have been compromised by the disease or injury.

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis at BioXcellerator

Generally, these cells are administered through any one of the following methods:

Intrathecal Administration -Through this mode, cells are infused in the cerebrospinal fluid through the subarachnoid spaces of the spinal canal.

Intravenous Administration- Through this mode, cells are infused through the veins along with the mannitol to expand blood volumes in the central nervous system, to ensure that the maximum number of cells are reaching the targeted area.

Once infused back in the body, these cells can be repopulated at the damaged areas of the spinal cord, through their strong paracrine effects and differentiate into lost neurons or other damaged supporting cells to improve motor as well as sensory functions of the spinal cord.

Thus with our standardized, broad-based and holistic approach, it is now possible to obtain noticeable improvements with the symptoms as well as the body’s functional abilities.

Tag: auto-immune

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