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Is there an alternative to spinal fusion surgery?

In many cases, spinal fusion surgery is a necessity, but this is not always the case. While spinal fusion surgery can help people suffering from several conditions and is a general procedure, it may not always be the only option. There are alternatives to getting a spinal fusion surgery. These alternatives need to be readily available because spinal fusion surgery is not always what is best for everyone. It is vital to make sure that the decision you make for your health is best for you, both in the present and many years down the line. What is spinal fusion surgery? Spinal fusion surgery is a standard procedure that can be recommended by your doctor for many different reasons. Some of the most common are for lumbar spinal stenosis with spondylolisthesis and cervical stenosis. This is especially true for cervical stenosis, for which spinal fusion is a widespread solution. Thus, anterior cervical discectomy and fusion have become the most common spinal fusion procedure in the country.

What is a herniated disc and how can you relieve the pain?

Millions of patients worldwide experience chronic back pain. Several possible causes could be the culprit for someone who is experiencing pain. It could merely be sore muscles, or it could be a severe problem. In most cases, it won't be dangerous, but if back pain is persisting, a person may want to consider seeing their doctor. One possible cause for someone's chronic back pain could be a herniated lumbar disc. What Causes a Herniated Disc? Herniated discs are a condition that generally comes about slowly. The discs in your back can lose their water content, which can cause them to become drier. As they dry, this makes them more prone to tears. This is made worse as you get older and generally lose your flexibility. While anyone can cause injury to themselves by moving improperly, as you get older and the discs become drier, it gets much more easier to injure these. It is possible to herniate a disc due to trauma such as a car accident, but it is much more likely to be caused by degeneration. Because of this commonality, a few certain risk factors have been identified as much more likely to make you suffer from this condition. One such risk factor is being overweight. Patients who are overweight are much more likely to suffer from a herniated disc due to the pressure that they may be putting on their spine. This pressure can build up over time and cause injury to you. A second is smoking. Some think that the reason smokers are much more likely to suffer from a herniated disc is that smoking is depriving the body of its oxygen supply. This lack of adequate oxygen can cause parts of the body, like your lumbar discs, to break down quicker than normal, leaving you more susceptible to a herniated disc. A third risk factor can be a person's occupation. If you work in a job that requires repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing, bending sideways, and twisting can increase your risk of a herniated disk as well. These are motions that are going to put more wear and tear on the spine and its disc. Lastly, your genetics can help determine how likely you are to suffer from a herniated disc. Some patients are just genetically more predisposed to suffering from a herniated disc. How To Know If You Have A Herniated Disc? The only way to know for sure that you are suffering from a herniated disc is to get a medical diagnosis, but several symptoms may tip you off to the fact that something is wrong. Here are some of the most commonly experienced symptoms for patients who have a herniated disc. Lower back pain At first, this one may seem obvious, but many patients feel lower back pain, which can be easily ignored. Patients feel pain in their back for many reasons that it can be nearly impossible sometimes for patients to know what it is that is causing their problem. Lower back pain can be mild soreness from a hard day at the gym, or it can be more serious, such as a herniated disc. The best thing to do if you are suffering from consistent back pain is to consult your doctor. Leg pain In many situations, seemingly unexplainable pain in one's legs is a sign that there is an issue with the spine. Especially in cases of herniated discs, leg pain is often found in combination with back pain. Frequently, patients suffering from a herniated disc will notice the pain in their legs before noticing the pain in their backs. Pain in multiple locations If you are suffering from pain that is seemingly changing locations, you are not alone, and this could be a sign that you are suffering from a herniated disc. Pain may be in you back, your legs, and elsewhere and it may be alternating between the locations. This is something to be wary of because it may be a sign of a herniated disc. This is especially true if the pain seems to only be located on one side of the body. Numbness in legs Much like how a herniated disc can cause a person to experience pain in their legs, it can also cause a person's legs or feet to go numb. You may also feel a tingling when this happens as well. If this is something that you are suffering from, you may want to contact your doctor. Sharp pain A herniated disc can cause prolonged, chronic pain, but it can also cause sharp pains in the back or legs. If you are suffering from this, you should consult your doctor because you may be suffering from nerve damage due to your herniated disc, which is something you would want to catch as soon as possible. Foot drop Foot drop is a fairly common symptom for patients who have a herniated disc, although they often do not know what it is called and what causes it. If you have ever been walking when it suddenly became hard to lift your foot, you may have experienced foot drop. Foot drop has also been described as problems with standing on the balls of your feet. Pain while moving A herniated disc can cause pain in many ways. For some patients, they can feel fine when they are relaxing or otherwise stationary, but they still experience pain when they are moving around. It is common that patients only feel pain in their backs when doing a certain way, moving a certain way, or sitting a certain way. While a herniated disc can cause a lot of pain when you are moving, it can also cause pain when you are sitting still. Sitting in certain positions can still put patients in quite a lot of pain. If certain movements of ways of sitting are causing you pain, you should consult your doctor.

Learn how stem cells reduce inflammation and arthritic pain in joints

Inflammation has long been thought to be the culprit behind many diseases, such as heart disease. There are approximately 60 million Americans who suffer from chronic inflammation. This condition can cause long-term medical problems that lead to death by damaging cells and organs. Thankfully, science is catching up with inflammation. Stem cells have already proven to have many uses that justify the furthering of their research and study. Still, one of the most impressive abilities boosted by stem cells is their ability to reduce inflammation. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are the stem cells used in stem cell therapy, and they have demonstrated that when applied in the right circumstances, they are capable of doing a great deal of good for people who are suffering from pain and inflammation. What Are MSCs? MSCs are the stem cells used in stem cell therapy. These stem cells are incredibly powerful as they can differentiate into many forms of cells in the body, They can make several types of cells belonging to our skeletal tissues, such as cartilage, bone, and fat. Their ability to differentiate is into many kinds of cells that can have a wide array of effects on the body is why they are so capable of creating change in the body. There are many illnesses, diseases, and conditions that stem cells may be able to be applied to offer methods of care that were not previously available to people. What Can MSCs Help With? One such condition that MSCs may be able to provide help for is Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves. This can cause a slew of problems within a person’s body, both physically and cognitively MS can cause many different symptoms such as vision loss, pain, fatigue, and impaired coordination. The symptoms and their severity depend on the person, with some people being only moderately affected by the disease while others are affected by it severely. There is no cure, but stem cells may present a new way of dealing with the illness. In a study called “Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Modulate Experimental Autoimmune Arthritis by Modifying Early Adaptive T Cell Responses,” testing was done on mice suffering from experimental allergic encephalitis (EAE), which is very similar to MS in humans. By introducing MSCs into the mice’s bodies, the researchers were able to reduce the severity of the disease significantly. Although these results have been replicated, the findings are not fully understood. What is understood is that these stem cells cause the immune response to change from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory. The use of MSCs as a treatment saw the mice have rapid and sustained improvement of their condition. This means that the use of stem cells could also be very useful in helping humans who are suffering from MS. How MSCs Can Help With Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect more than just your joints. In some people, the condition can damage a wide variety of body systems. These can include the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. While many cells in the body play a role in this, T cells are one of the most important. MSCs can change the behavior of T cells. They have also been shown to be able to improve recovery in animals with rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike MS, which is very rare, rheumatoid arthritis is quite common, with millions of people being diagnosed with it every year. However, like MS, rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured. Stem cells may be able to help people who are suffering from it, though. This is because MSCs can differentiate into cells with the capability to repair tissue that is damaged directly. While more studies will need to be done on the topic, MSCs may be able to reduce inflammation, influence T cells, and assist in tissue repair. This could be vital in finding a way to help cure, or at a minimum, best heal people who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. How Reducing Inflammation Helps Fight Disease: Stem cell therapy can help people reduce inflammation has many effects that go beyond merely dealing with injuries and physical conditions. It can also be beneficial in fighting against disease. This has never been more true than now, where MSCs are being tested in clinical trials for their ability to help people fight against COVID-19. The reduction of inflammation due to the introduction of MSCs into the immune system is a lifesaving effect that stem cell therapy can have. By using stem cell therapy, a person gets multiple benefits for their health, especially if they are already sick. The first benefit is that stem cells can help boost and rebuild the immune system. This can be especially vital for immune-compromised and at-risk populations. On top of this, stem cells can help reduce the inflammation that illnesses cause in the body. Studies have shown that mice who were sick, once they were given stem cell therapy, were more likely to recover than the once who were not. They were also much less likely to develop worse diseases as complications. The stem cells can significantly reduce inflammation in the body, thus greatly improving the ability of the body to fight the illness. While tests on humans remain ongoing, the data looks like it may have promising results. Should You Seek Stem Cell Therapy? The choice to get stem cell therapy is a personal one, and everyone should consult a doctor before undergoing any procedures, even non-invasive ones such as in stem cell therapy. But stem cells offer a lot of benefits that people should consider if they are suffering from a condition or injury. This is because of the numerous benefits that stem cells can offer to people who require healing. Many injuries and physical conditions require surgery to fix, but stem cell therapy offers an alternative to this that is much easier on a person’s daily life. Stem cell therapy provides the solution to forego painful surgery and instead solve your health-related problems on your terms. You can heal in a much more natural and pain-free manner. No matter what it is that you are suffering from, stem cells may be able to help you get better.

What is Tennis Elbow and How It Can Be Treated

Your elbows are one of the body’s most exciting joints, but when it begins to hurt, it can become one of the body’s most inconvenient. Millions of people suffer from chronic pain, and one of the worst causes can be a person’s elbow. When suffering from elbow pain, it can make doing daily tasks challenging, and as the pain increases, it can render an arm almost unmovable. Many people may suffer from chronic elbow pain without even knowing the cause. Many of the cases are people who are suffering from tennis elbow or Golfer’s elbow, but many people do not know the difference between the two. Golfers and tennis players are not the only patients who will suffer from tennis or golfer’s elbow. Many patients will not know the difference between these two ailments as they sound incredibly similar. While they may not be easy to differentiate, they are different. Here’s how you can know. Understanding the Elbow Before figuring out what is wrong with your elbow and trying to figure out the differences between these two common afflictions, it is best to know what is going on with your elbow in the first place. The anatomy of an elbow is complicated and unique. It is a hinged joint, but it can also rotate, which is why the elbow has such a wide range of motion. The arm is made up of three bones. These bones are the humerus, which is the upper arm, and the two bones that make up the forearm, the radius, and ulna. Two essential parts of the humerus are called epicondyles. These surfaces are what help to connect the bones to ligaments. The medial epicondyle is on the inside of the elbow joint, and the lateral epicondyle is on the outside. This is where the damage that leads to Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow happens. What Is the Difference Between Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow? One is from tennis, and the other is from golfing, right? Well, sadly, no, anyone can be afflicted by a tennis elbow. The difference between the two actually comes from different injuries to the epicondyles. Specifically, Golfer’s Elbow comes from an injury to the medial epicondyle, and tennis elbow comes from an injury to the lateral epicondyle. These are generally caused by a small tear in the area that slowly wears and grows worse as you continue to use your elbow. Although it may be something that starts as a minor nuisance, it can become a significant problem when it is left unchecked. What can make it so hard to figure out if you have an actual injury or not is the fact that chronic pain can come and go, and it is a gradual process that leads to becoming more of an issue? Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow is medically called lateral epicondylitis, and it is the more common of the two. About 1-3 percent of the population is affected by it. As the name implies, it is when the lateral epicondyle is injured and then usually reinjured from there. While many people do actually suffer from tennis elbow due to playing racket sports, most people who suffer from tennis elbow do not actually injure themselves by playing tennis. The most common ways that people actually experience this injury is by using plumbing tools, painting, driving screws, cutting up cooking ingredients (particularly meat), and repetitive computer mouse use. These are all motions that can put a strain on your lateral epicondyle and increases the risks of you injuring it. People between the ages of 30-50 are the ones who are most commonly affected, but it can affect people of all ages. Common symptoms that you may be suffering from Tennis Elbow are an inability to shake hands, grip an object, turn a doorknob, or hold a coffee cup. If you are suffering from these, you may want to seek your doctor. Golfer’s Elbow Golfer’s elbow is a similar condition but has different effects. Golfer’s elbow is called Medial Epicondylitis, and it is much less common than its tennis counterpart. The pain from Golfer’s elbow comes gradually, but by the end, it can be overwhelming. Some symptoms of Golfer’s elbow are pain and tenderness, which is usually felt on the inner side of your elbow and is usually worsened with movement, stiffness, weakness in the hands or wrists, and numbness or tingling. Unlike Tennis Elbow, which is often caused by daily movements, Golfer’s Elbow is much more likely to be caused by athletics. These include racket sports, throwing sports, and weightlifting. People who work in professions such as plumbing or carpentry, which can require forceful arm movements are at risk as well. People who are over the age of 40, overweight, are smokers, or perform repetitive dynamic actions daily are the most at risk. Treatments for Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow Sadly, there are no current cures for either of these ailments. Patients are often left with treatment methods that do not cut it. They will continue to deal with intense pain that can reduce their quality of life. In many cases, people who are suffering from ailments like these are able to treat them with simple methods such as icing it or putting heating pads on. If these methods do not help to quell the pain, then you may have to get more serious treatments. The usual treatment for injuries such as these is to get steroid injections to help with the pain and inflammation or, in even worse cases, surgery is needed. Many patients are forced to seek surgery in order to help relieve their symptoms. Surgery can be an extremely costly method of treatment, and it is not guaranteed to fix their underlying conditions. The current failure rate for tennis elbow surgery is around 20%. That is a large risk for a patient to undergo surgery and recover for six to eight months. There is a new treatment method for patients suffering from tennis and Golfer’s elbow, stem cell therapy. How can stem cells help? Now, thanks to regenerative medicine, stem cells are beginning to transform treatment for elbow related issues. Patients can also opt to receive stem cell therapy for their injury. Stem cell therapy has the capability to heal people even better than the current methods that doctors utilize. Stem cell therapy has been shown to work better for reducing inflammation than steroids, which is an incredible ability because steroids are one of the methods most regularly used to help inflammation. Stem cells are capable of reducing inflammation while also helping to repair the damage that was done. That also means your elbow is able to grow back to be just as strong or even stronger than it was before the injury. Stem cells encourage your body’s natural healing abilities. The tissue and tendons that were destroyed will be healed and return to their former glory. Stem cell therapy could be the best new way to deal with issues such as these going forward, and if you believe that stem cell therapy could be right for you, you should consult a patient advocate with Bioxcellerator! They will help you decide if stem cell therapy is a viable treatment method for your condition. Your life could be completely transformed if you undergo stem cell therapy to treat your elbow pain.

Avoid Knee Surgery Here are 10 Ways

As you age, the likelihood that your knees start to weaken or cause you pain begins to increase quickly. Although you may have once been able to run around all day without worry, there comes the point where your knees can no longer take the stress. Your knee is a joint, and the joint can deteriorate over time due to use. Often, the way that a failing knee is corrected is through surgery, but there are many ways that you can avoid having to get knee surgery and help heal your knees more naturally. Here are 10 of the ways that you can take care of your knee without having to receive surgery. Stem Cell Therapy Knee surgery is painful and requires a great deal of recovery. Why undergo that when you can take a much more comfortable and more pain-free avenue of healing; This is where stem cell therapy comes into play. Thanks to stem cell therapy, people are now finding much better or more natural ways to heal their bodies. Stem cells harbor a great deal of regenerative power within them, and this can be harnessed to allow for your knee to heal itself in the most natural manner possible. By injecting stem cells directly into the area in need, the stem cells will recognize that this body part is deteriorating and will adjust to best serve the area. This means that they will help to rebuild your knee, free of pain, or surgery. Injections do not take long, and it is an outpatient process, so people can continue their lives freely while also undergoing the rehabilitation process. Acupuncture Acupuncture can be another very effective way to help alleviate knee pain. Much like stem cell injections, acupuncture requires a professional to poke your knee with a needle, but this time, they will not be introducing stem cells to your body. Instead, needles are inserted into your body at strategic points in order to help release the pain that is there. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical technique that dates back over 5000 years. The millennia that have passed since the creation of acupuncture means that it has had time to be refined and perfected in ways few other practices have been able to. The goal is to balance the energy at specific meridians in the body, and this allows acupuncturists to provide you with much-needed relief. Although acupuncture is not a scientific method of medical care, it has been shown to be very helpful in some cases, especially when combined with various other ways of holistic medicine to allow people to alleviate pain. Cold Laser Therapy Where acupuncture may be the height of ancient wisdom, cold laser therapy is a cutting edge modern method. Cold lasers are specially made lasers that, while powerful enough to affect the structures of the cells beneath your skin, are not powerful enough to cause any harm to you. In cold laser therapy, photons of light are sent to tissue cells up to five centimeters below the surface of your skin. This has been shown to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, and increase lymphatic drainage. Cold laser therapy is non-invasive, as well as FDA approved. Anti Inflammation Diet In many cases, the cause of chronic knee pain is inflammation. Inflammation does not have any single cause. It can be from overuse as well as injuries such as sprains. No matter what the reason, one thing that might be able to help bring down the pain which it is causing you is to maintain a low anti-inflammation diet. This means having a diet that consists of a lot of vegetables as well as many omega-three fats as well. Some foods that you can eat to help maintain this diet are: Salmon, tuna, cod, and sardines Leafy green vegetables Olives and extra virgin olive oil Walnuts and almonds Spices: cayenne, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, and oregano By utilizing an anti-inflammation diet, you may be able to reduce pain without having even to leave the house. Methods such as this are often beneficial when paired with other ways of reducing knee pain. Add Supplements to your Diet Another way to help alleviate knee pain could be adding supplements to your diet as well. This is similar to the anti inflammation diet and they work great in conjunction with each other. This is because when your body has all the best nutrients, it can function at its best, which can help to heal the injury or inflammation that is causing you pain. It also can help to prevent these issues from plaguing you in the future. Some right supplements that you could add to your diet are glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, omega 3, turmeric, and magnesium. These have all been shown to be able to reduce inflammation and help alleviate pain. Visit a Chiropractor Much like acupuncture, a chiropractor may be able to help you with the pain from which you are suffering. This is because while chiropractors are often associated with the back, it can be a handy holistic medical tool for many parts of the body. Knee pain can be related to a plethora of things, such as your posture or foot shape. These are things that a chiropractor may be able to point out and subsequently correct for you. Chiropractors work to alleviate pressure and relieve pain, and just as they would with your back, they may be able to with your knee as well. Naprapathy Therapy Naprapathy is a system of treatment by manipulation of connective tissue and adjoining structures and by dietary measures that are held to facilitate the recuperative and regenerative processes of the body. This is a natural way of healing that is similar in many ways to acupuncture and chiropractic. One of the most critical aspects of this method is the alleviation of pressure and stress to reduce pain and inflammation. Light Exercise Although when people are experiencing knee pain, their first instinct is to stay off the knee, sometimes, light, gentle use of the knee can help to ease the pain as well. This is because while using the knee, you are preventing it from remaining idle and instead, kickstarting some of the processes that it needs to heal. It is essential to keep this activity light to make sure that you do not cause any further pain or damage, but it is better to use it a little bit than not at all. Massage With Essential Oils Massaging is a great way to relieve knee pain in the short term. In a few studies, ginger and orange essential oil extract have helped patients deal with knee pain. The essential oil has even helped some patients eliminate knee pain as it reduces inflammation and pain in the affected area of the knee. You can apply the essential oil and massage it into your knee yourself. You do not need to pay an expensive massage therapist to use it for you. Wear a Supportive Brace Another method that may ease your pain in the short term is to wear a brace around the affected knee. The pair will provide support to the knee that is in pain. The compression that the brace provides will also help the blood flow to the affected areas. Your knee will even be swinging along the correct pathway to prevent further damage. There are many ways to avoid painful knee surgery. You should explore all of the options. Your quality of life could significantly increase if you can relive your knee pain. You can get back to all of the activities that you previously enjoyed before knee pain took your favorite activities away.

If you have an Autoimmune disease you need to read this Now!

There are more than 23 million Americans who struggle with an autoimmune condition every day. Many of these diseases are life-threatening and can completely change the way a patient lives their day-to-day lives. There is a lot that stem cell therapy claims to be able to do in regards to your health. More common uses are for helping people deal with chronic pain or joint problems, but stem cells can get more specialized than that. They also have been shown to help people who are suffering from autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune disorders are when a person's body develops antibodies to fight against the body's tissue. Antibodies are supposed to be for fighting things like viruses that get into your body, but sometimes, these signals get crossed, and the body ends up attacking itself. These kinds of diseases can be hazardous for a person, so science must find an answer for how to deal with them. Science uses immunosuppressive agents such as steroids, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and gold to fight autoimmune diseases. These methods are not perfect. They require lifelong treatment frequently, and this lifetime of therapy can have adverse effects on its own. This is where stem cells come into the picture. Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Disorders Stem cell therapy offers a unique opportunity for people who are suffering from autoimmune disorders. The stem cells used for the process are taken from umbilical cords and prepped to help patients fight their autoimmune diseases stem cell therapy. Studies on the topic have proven the method to be fruitful thus far and have shown that the use of stem cells cannot only help fight autoimmune diseases but to help the more significant immune system as a whole. This is because of a unique ability that stem cells have, which allows them to interact with the immune system in such a way as to shut off specific responses to pathogens while continuing to let the immune system to fight off diseases that it should be fighting. This is impressive because it shows the all-around necessity of stem cells in the medical field. They exhibit a high capacity to help people in need, but they do not have the common side effects that other methods have, such as needing continuous treatment. Stem cells also help to repair and replace cells that have been compromised by the autoimmune disorder. They will be able to transform into any cell that your body needs. Your body will improve through stem cell therapy and take the next steps toward your recovery. Is Stem Cell Therapy Safe? There is also minimal risk of your body rejecting the cells. This low risk is because your body can not tell the difference between its stem cells and the umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells that these types of procedures provide. People who are suffering from autoimmune diseases have to deal with the fact that the body is trying to fight itself, but stem cell therapy can put a stop to this. Thanks to the regenerative power of stem cells, autoimmune diseases are receiving an overhaul in treatment methodology. Now, instead of having to get treated with the methods of the past regularly, someone can choose to try to utilize stem cell therapy to rid themselves of the disease for good, possibly. Scientists are still testing stem cells to see what they can do for people, but for right now, the science is precise, helping strengthen your immune system and fighting autoimmune diseases is yet another problem people face that stem cells may be able to fix. Reach out to your bioxcellerator patient advocate to discuss if stem cell therapy could be a viable treatment option for your condition. You may be able to completely transform your life if stem cell therapy works for you. Your quality of life could ultimately improve if you receive stem cell treatment.

What are the side effects of steroid injections for back pain?

Stem cells are very quickly, becoming a much more accepted way of treating various ailments. As research in the field progresses, scientists are quickly finding more and more ways to apply it to people’s health. One such way that is rapidly gaining popularity is using stem cells in place of steroids to treat conditions, such as degenerative disc disease. Before we jump into how stem cells can help treat degenerative disc disease, it may be helpful to understand what degenerative disc disease is. Let’s get into the basics so that you can understand what stem cells can do for your condition. What is Degenerative Disc Disease? Degenerative disc disease is a common ailment that can affect people of all ages and happen all across the spine. It is a blanket term that describes the general degradation of spinal discs due to the wear and tear of daily life. The spine consists of 33 bones known as vertebrae, and these are connected via ligaments and inter vertebral discs. The discs add flexibility to the spine and act as shock absorbers as well. Although these discs are capable of withstanding disturbances, repeated trauma to them can start to crack and cause the discs to begin to harden. This condition occurs because the cartilage in the spin wears down from daily activities or trauma. After some time, the cartilage will be gone and will not be able to absorb the shocks of daily activities. This condition is a common source of chronic pain for people, with joint pain in the hands, neck, lower back, knees, or hips being the most common symptoms. Degenerative disc disease can be challenging to diagnose and requires an MRI to be able to see the damaged discs, which appear darker in the MRI imaging. There are various treatments that people can try, but the disease itself currently has no cure. If scientists can continue their research into using stem cells to help with degenerative disc disease, they might be able to change that. One of the most common treatments for degenerative disc disease is steroids. Using Steroids to Help Degenerative Disc Disease Treatments for this condition have a wide range, with some people only needing physical therapy to help ease the pain it causes where others undergo surgery to try to correct the issue. Physical therapy will help strengthen the muscles around the damaged disc, but will not solve the root of the problem. No method is guaranteed to solve the problem, but one way that has been working for patients is the use of steroids. The medical use of steroids is occasionally confused with the athletic use that professional athletes sometimes employ, but this is different. Epidural steroid injections are a method of pain management that can help ease a person who is dealing with chronic pain from this disease. This procedure works because steroids are a potent anti-inflammatory medication that, when injected around a damaged disc, can help assuage the pain by reducing the sensitivity of the nerve ending and reducing inflammation around the disc. This treatment may solve the patient’s pain in the short term; however, there are some serious long-term consequences to extended steroid use. There have been several studies that have shown steroids cause damage to the cartilage in the discs over a long period. Steroids were once the go-to treatment for degenerative disc disease, but recently the thinking has shifted. Orthopedic surgeons are beginning to see the long-term effects of steroid use, and they are not pleased with the results. The pain may subside, but the cartilage will continue to wear down over time. Patients may feel that they are fine and will resume normal activities. This approach is a massive issue because the same activities that caused degenerative disc disease will destroy any cartilage that is in the discs. Patients will be left in a worse position than they started. The cartilage in their discs will be gone entirely, and the discs will be rubbing together, which will cause intense pain. Steroids can help many patients who are suffering from disc-related chronic pain in the short term, which may satisfy many patients. However, if steroids are not able to help reduce pain and inflammation, patients are left with few options. Usually, the next step is to have surgery. This surgery requires trying to remove the damaged parts of a disc or replacing the damaged disc altogether. Spinal surgery usually has long recovery times that dissuade many people from taking that route, but now they may finally have another option. Thankfully, stem cells are beginning to prove themselves as a viable way of treating degenerative disc disease due to their innate regenerative power that can slowly work to undo the damage. Stem Cells to the Rescue! Stem cells have regenerative properties that make them a prime candidate for these kinds of diseases. As stem cell research has expanded, scientists have been finding increasingly more ways to apply stem cells to help people fight diseases. Stem cells are very good at assisting bolster bodily functions such as the immune system, which makes them a prime candidate to help fight diseases. For example, clinical studies have shown that they are exceptionally good at helping fight respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia because of their abilities to not only strengthen the immune system but also reduce the deadly inflammation that can worsen diseases such as these. Their regenerative properties also make them perfect for helping treat injuries that do not heal quickly or naturally and cause people ongoing pain. Stem Cell Therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease Stem cells are growing increasingly common in the use of helping athletes rehabilitate injuries to joints and ligaments, allowing them to forego surgeries that often require them to be out of their sport for months to even years. These reasons combined make for stem cells are so effective at fighting conditions like degenerative disc disease. By using mesenchymal stem cells, doctors have been able to help people repair their discs and rid themselves of pain in as few as six months. The research is not quite there yet, but it undoubtedly promises research that shows the true extent of what stem cells can do. This is because mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are undifferentiated stem cells that are prepared for this exact kind of job within the body. They are present in almost all human tissue, and the primary function of these stem cells is to support standard repair and rejuvenation of diseased and aging tissues. This is because, as cells age, they accrue damage, but MSCs can go to where the body needs and replace the damaged cells. Stem cells that are present in the body are not as active as the stem cells when you were younger. Children bounce back from injuries, meanwhile the elderly struggle to get back to their usual selves. MSCs can differentiate themselves into connective tissue that can help your back slowly rebuild as necessary to resume its normal functions. A Bright, Pain-Free Future Although this is still being researched and studied, the use of stem cells could prove to be a very effective way to help fight degenerative disc disease and many other ailments similar to it. Thanks to incredible regenerative properties of MSCs, people have been able to see drastic improvements in a condition that is liable to be a significant hindrance to someone’s life and cause them a great deal of ongoing pain. Using stem cells as a replacement for steroid injections is far from being a cure. Still, it presents a bright future for the field of regenerative medicine as stem cells have once again shown that they can contend with seemingly any disease or ailment and help people have an increased quality of life due to their presence. As research continues to evolve in this ever-growing field, it only becomes more likely that stem cells will become a mainstream way of treating degenerative disc disease and possibly, many other conditions as well. Reach out to bioxcellerator if stem cell therapy could be a potential treatment for your degenerative disc disease. You could go from living with intense pain to living a pain-free life in a matter of months. Your quality of life will dramatically improve if you are a proper stem cell candidate.

What is CTE and how do stem cells impact the future of treatment

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a relatively new disease that was discovered back in 2002. It is a rare, but terrifying condition that affects a number of people throughout the world. The exact number is currently unknown. Patients who were functionally just fine become shells of their former selves.

MLB Pitchers choosing stem cell therapy over Tommy John's Surgery

A pitcher's worst nightmare is hearing that they need to have Tommy John surgery. The surgery has an extremely long recovery period, and pitchers may not always return to their original pitching performance. Thankfully, stem cell treatments are beginning to make a difference in helping to heal injuries that, in the past, would require Tommy John surgery. Some MLB players have even used stem cell therapy in hopes they could avoid Tommy John surgery. Before we get into how stem cells can help prevent Tommy John's operation, it may be helpful to understand the history behind Tommy John's surgery and what causes it. Ulnar Collateral Ligament The ulnar collateral ligament is a triangular band that runs on the inside of the elbow. The ligament stabilizes the elbow through various motions, such as throwing. Typical injuries range from minor inflammation to a full-blown tear, which requires Tommy John surgery. During the throwing motion, the ulnar collateral ligament goes through an extreme amount of tension. When pitchers throw as hard as they can, the maximum tensile stress of the ligament is reached. Doing this every day for years can cause serious problems. What Causes the Injury? In baseball, the injury is caused by excessive throwing. Pitchers have been performing the same motion their entire life; it is no surprise that the ulnar collateral ligament begins to wear after thousands of baseball games. Early childhood sports specialization is another significant cause of this injury. Children who play a variety of sports will develop muscles and will not overuse tendons and ligaments. There is a strong correlation between the number of pitches over time and an ulnar collateral ligament tear. There is only so much that the ligament can take before it tears. History of Tommy John Surgery Tommy John surgery was first performed back in 1974, on none other than Tommy John. The first time it was completed, it was extremely experimental, and there was no guarantee that he would ever be able to pitch again. Tommy John went on to have a very successful career after he underwent surgery. He played until he was 46 years old and won 164 more games. The surgery is straightforward. A surgeon will go into a patient's elbow and create space for the new tendon. The tendon is usually taken from the forearm but can be taken from several places in the patient's body, such as an accessory hamstring. The cord is anchored onto the bones and then patients go through a rigorous rehab process. The number of surgeries in teenagers is on the rise as sports become more and more competitive and because early specialization into one game, baseball. Nearly two-thirds of Tommy John surgeries are performed on teenagers. This epidemic does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon. Granted, the success rate is high, at about 85% for the procedure. There are several issues that Tommy John surgery creates, even though it does help get pitchers back on the mound. Problems that Tommy John Surgery Presents:

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