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Stem Cell News

Curated news and information on stem cell therapies, protocols, and treatments that keep you in the know.  Subscribe and get updated when new information on how stem cells are being used around the world appear here.   Please note this information is not a diagnostic tool but simply a way to learn about new options to talk to your doctor or primary care physician about.

ATHLETES PUSH THEIR BODIES: 5 Famous athletes who used stem cell ...

In recent years, the stem cell therapy has become more common among professional athletes who require treatment of chronic pain. We have curated stories of five athletes who have all benefited from this treatment to get them back to the top of their game.

Did Jack Nicklaus pay too much for stem cells?

People living with chronic pain know that isn’t something anyone should have to go through, and no expense should be spared to alleviate it. Jack Nicklaus is a famous celebrity golfer that may be able to afford the hefty price tag of a Stem Cell Treatment, however, he probably still paid too much.


When you go down, the moment of impact is not over. Pain will impact your life even after surgeries, drugs and other treatments may not solve the problems. Stem cells offer a unique healing proposition to restore the body from within, using its own biological agents to do the repairs. Self healing at its best.


It’s no longer news that both stem cells and platelet rich plasma are being used in the cosmetic world to rejuvenate the skin. But did you know a treatment is fast and easy, safer than the other methods and starts to show immediate results and keeps improving you for months to come?

Stem Cells Regenerative Healing and Pain Management

Stem Cells and their ability to repair, restore and regenerate skin and tissue. These powerful cells are harvested from your own body.


Disclaimer Medical information contained on this website is for educational purposes only. Prospective patients are encouraged to consult with their personal physician prior to seeking stem cell therapy or treatments. Regenerative medicine has been called the next evolution of medical treatments by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. With its potential to heal, this new field of science is expected to revolutionize health care. All stem cell research carried out by BioXcellerator researchers and scientists follows strict scientific and ethical guidelines as directed by the National Institutes of Health. BioXcellerator also works in accordance with ISSCR guidelines and the International Society for Cellular Therapy. Our stem cell therapy procedures are in compliance with FDA regulations CFR21 Part 1271 (1271.15.b). Stem cell transplants or bone marrow transplants are regular clinical practice in the United States and many other countries and have been for more than 25 years. Stem cell transplants or bone marrow transplants are being used to treat patients with hematological disorders such as sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, leukemia and lymphomas among others. BioXcellerator also follows the ethical guidelines in accordance with the World Medical Association’s WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects — “In the treatment of a patient, where proven interventions do not exist or have been ineffective, the physician may use an unproven intervention if in the physician’s judgment it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering.” Any and all opinions and/or statements offered on this website are for information and education purpose only. BioXcellerator and its affiliate centers are offering certain investigational treatments using Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) which uses patients own stem cells which is called autologous stem cell transplant. The centers only provide surgical procedures and centers are not involved in the use or manufacture of any investigational drugs. This website does not claim that any applications using autologous stem cells offers a cure for any medical condition. This website does not offer any medical advice. It is critically important for any patient to do his or her own research to reach an informed decision. It is a completely voluntary decision by any and all patients to participate in some of our patient funded clinical studies at various locations around the world. Result varies from patient to patient. The testimonials do not constitute typical results nor do we claim that they do. Moreover, each country has its own country specific stem cell regulations depending on its need. BioXcellerator follows guidelines set up by the host government. Furthermore,BioXcellerator is working with governments worldwide and developing stem cell research and transplant programs for millions of people globally suffering from genetic and hematological diseases.


What is Stroke? Similar to a heart attack, Stroke is a blockage in the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain, this is a significant illness, needing extra precaution. It can happen to anyone at any point in time. The degree of damage depends upon the area and the extent of the damage. For example, someone who had a minor stroke attack can only feel pain and temporary weakness in his arms or legs. However, people who have experienced a major stroke can be permanently paralyzed from one side.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)

Stem Cell Treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a neuromuscular disease characterized by degeneration of motor neurons, resulting in progressive muscular atrophy (wasting away) and weakness. The clinical spectrum of SMA ranges from early infant death to normal adult life with only mild weakness. These patients often require comprehensive medical care involving multiple disciplines, including pediatric pulmonology, pediatric neurology, pediatric orthopedic surgery, pediatric critical care, and physical medicine and rehabilitation; and physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, and clinical nutrition.

Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Through Stem Cell Therapy

Bioscience Americas and the Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research would like to extend a special thank you to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation for their support relating to our work at the University California Irvin and the Anderson Laboratory. We have made exciting progress using stem cells to treat cervical spinal cord injuries because of their generosity.

Skin Burns

Stem Cell Treatment of Skin Burns Burn injury has been reported to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality in many countries. It leads to a loss of integrity of the skin, which protects us from water loss, temperature change, radiation, trauma, and infection. The main sources of stem cells that might be used for repair and regeneration of injured skin tissue are adult stem cells. BioXcellerator has the ability to differentiate Bone Marrow Stem Cells and Mesenchymal Stem cells into epidermal cells and fibroblasts in vitro and can accelerate skin wound repair.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? RA is the most common form of autoimmune arthritis, affecting more than 1.3 million Americans. Of these, about 75 percent are women. In fact, 1–3 percent of women may get rheumatoid arthritis in their lifetime. The disease most often begins between the fourth and sixth decades of life. However, RA can start at any age.

Retinal Transplant

Stem cell treatment of Retinal transplant The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a layer of pigmented cells sandwiched between the visual retinal cells, called photoreceptors, and the nourishing blood vessels at the back of the eye. The RPE provides essential support to the retinal photoreceptors and is critical for normal vision. Deterioration of the RPE plays a central role in the progression of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and sub-types of retinitis pigmentosa. These conditions are associated with a progressive loss of vision that often leads to blindness. Stem Cell Treatment for Eye Disorders BioXcellerator has the ability to derive RPE-like cells from ES cell, which are identified by their characteristic black pigment, exhibited multiple biological properties and genetic markers that define authentic RPE cells. Further, the cells successfully delayed deterioration of retinal structure and function when they were transplanted into the eye. BioXcellerator is developing the technology to treat blindness related to retinal degeneration.


What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is the progressive degenerative joint disease primarily affecting soft connective tissue known as the cartilage. It is mostly known to be the disease of middle-aged or elderly people. Although, it can damage or affect any part of the body joints of the hands, knees, hips, and spine are commonly affected. Being progressive in nature, it often gets worse without any conventional way of curing it. Although staying physically active, managing weight and technologically advanced treatment may help to manage the disease. How prevalent is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), more than 26 million Americans are affected. Almost 40% of those suffering from the disease are more than 65 years of age. As per the incidence measured, involving the age and the sex of the individual hand OA, hips OA and knee OA are the most common types. OA is also found to be more prevalent in women than in men. Studies have confirmed that men have a 48% higher risk as compared to women. Even in case of hip arthritis, men have observed to have a 36% reduced risk than in females. CDC has confirmed an annual death rate of 0.2 to 0.3 deaths per 1, 000,000 population. Thus, approximately 500 deaths are attributed to OA per year, and the number is increasing every year. Factors responsible for Osteoarthritis Although scientists have determined osteoarthritis to be an autoimmune disorder, there are some other common risk factors that can aggravate the condition. Such as: Being Overweight Age Joint injury Joint defects Genetic abnormality Joints being overstressed due to sports, knee bending, repetitive motions Pregnancy and associated calcium loss in case of women, estrogen deficiency, etc. Presence of reactive proteins in urine High bone density Symptoms Associated with Osteoarthritis Being a joint disorder, osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, although the most prevalent among them are heavy weight-bearing joints such as ankles, knees, spine, etc. Symptoms of the disease often develop very slowly but worsen with time. They may include: Severe joint pain during or after the movements. Tenderness when light pressure is applied. Joint stiffness is a noticeable indication of joint disorders, especially in the morning or after a period or activity. Severe loss of flexibility is observed to the extent that the joints cannot be moved smoothly within their full range of motion. Grating sensation is experienced after the overuse of joints. Bone spurs observed around the affected parts of the joints. Prognosis associated with the Osteoarthritis Improve joint function. Maintaining a healthy body weight. Weight management. Adapting a healthy lifestyle such as physical exercise, yoga, diet, etc. Rest as much as possible with joint care. Apart from these rehabilitative approaches, doctors may also suggest certain medications such as: Non-drug pain relief to control pain. Steroidal drugs. Complementary alternative therapies: Surgery Osteoarthritis is a joint disease mainly affecting cartilages. Cartilage is the soft tissue with a gliding surface, covering the ends of the joints. Their main role is to allow smooth gliding of the bones over each other without creating much fiction. The tissue acts as a shock absorber when the joints are in motion. However, due to overuse of joints, the top surface of the cartilage breaks down and wears away progressively. This allows greater exposure of two bones towards each other, causing an increase in the friction between them. This increased fiction causes pain, swelling, and loss of the motion of the joints. In a more severe, chronic form of the disease, the pieces of bones even break off and float inside the joint spaces that can eventually increase the pain.

Muscular Dystrophy

What Is Muscular Dystrophy? Muscular Dystrophy can be classified as the disease with inborn genetic manipulation which damages and weakens muscular structure and strength over the period of time. It has been observed that people with MD, have missing or incorrect information passed by their genes during the production of an important protein known as Dystrophin. This protein is required for normal muscular functions of the body such as walking, swallowing, coordination, etc. There are approximately thirty different forms of Muscular Dystrophy that vary in symptoms, problems, and severities. As the disease is related to muscular weakness, it can be possible that babies, teens or adults can express muscular problems at any phase of their development. This severe form of MD is observed in babies, especially boys, who can experience the swift and severe muscle weakness and wasting typically resulting in death in their late teens to early 20’s. Prevalence of Muscular Dystrophy An estimated one out of every 35,000 males have Muscular Dystrophy. In a different study, it has been estimated that almost 29% of the men are using a wheelchair at the age of 9 years, 82% of the males are using wheelchair support at the age of 14 years, and more than 90% of them use the chair at the age of 24 years. As far as the survival status is concerned, 100% of the boys were living at the age of 9 years old till the end of the study, 99% of men were living at the age of 14 years, and 58% of them were living till their early 20’s. There are approximately thirty different Muscular Dystrophy variants, but nine forms of MD are more commonly reported. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – This is the most common form of the variant. Almost half of the reported cases are suffering from DMD. This affects boys; the symptoms are usually observed during 2-3 years of age, the child becomes wheelchair bound at the age of 12 years and typically dies of respiratory failure by his early 20’s. As this involves the weakness of major involuntary muscles such as heart and lungs, it is known to be the most severe of all. Becker Muscular Dystrophy – This is another form of MD, very similar to DMD. In spite of being similar to DMD, the disease is much milder than DMD, and its symptoms start very late with the less severity. On an average, people with BMD, start expressing symptoms such as muscle breakdown and weakness by the starting of adulthood. Sometimes, people with BMD can also exhibit breathing disorders, heart, bone, muscles, and joint problems. Emery Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy – This is a very rare form of MD, typically expressed in late childhood to early teens. Although rare, symptoms include wastage of muscles, weakness, joint deformities with slow progression. In severe cases, sudden death may occur due to cardiac arrest. Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy – This is a type of muscular dystrophy, affecting boys and girls equally. It usually occurs in late childhood to middle age. The symptoms include muscle wastage in shoulders, upper arms, around the thighs and the hips. The progression of the disease is slow, but in later stage of life a wheelchair may be completely necessary. Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy – This is a type of MD in which muscle relaxation can cause a problem. It occurs, especially in teens. Some other problems can also be exhibited such as muscle weakness, wasting, cataracts and heart problems. Congenital Muscular Dystrophy – This is a generalized term for all the babies and children with MD. This is equally expressed in both girls as well as boys. In rare cases, CMD can as well cause learning or intellectual disability. Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy – This type of MD occurs in both men as well as women but is found to be more common in men than in women. It has been observed that about one in three people with this type of MD is typically unaware of the condition until well in adulthood. The symptoms may include sleeping with their eyes slightly open, an inability to squeeze their eyes tightly and an inability to bring their lips together. Factors Responsible for Muscular Dystrophy Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder due to a faulty expression of mutated genes. Almost 90% of the disorders are inherited from the family history whereas 10% of them are expressed due to spontaneous changes in their mother’s egg or developing embryo that has been passed on to the next generation. A female who carries the faulty genes can pass the same on to the next generation. If the genes are being passed to daughters, they become the carrier of the same whereas if the genes are being passed on to the boys they tend to express the symptoms. Researchers could ultimately discover the abnormal gene which, when defective, can cause Muscular Dystrophy. The muscle protein associated with the gene abnormality is known as the Dystrophin. In some muscular dystrophy cases, the protein is being produced, but it’s either not clear or is of very poor quality. However, scientists are still working to discover the genetic defects causing other forms of muscular dystrophy. Symptoms Associated with MD Muscular Dystrophy is a disease that cannot be diagnosed early in its progression; in fact, some children follow the normal pattern of development during first few years of their life. Slowly and over time they start developing problems in small things such as a climbing staircase, walking on their toes, etc. A child may start to stumble, waddle or there may be difficulty in getting up from the sitting position. A typical observation is that a child with MD often develops enlarged calf muscles due to fat replacements. Prognosis of MD A child has to first undergo a thorough physical examination followed by a detailed consultation on the family history. Some tests are also suggested to determine the type of MD. The doctor as well may suggest a blood test to determine if there are genetic problems. What goes wrong in MD? Muscular dystrophy is a type of neuromuscular disorder that progressively damages the healthy muscles causing them to be weak and wasted. This disease is a form of congenital abnormality due to the wrong expression of faulty genes. Muscles and membranes need many different proteins to be strong and function properly. Some of these important proteins are being supplied to our body from the food we eat, but some of them are synthesized by our own body such as Dystrophin. This information regarding the production as well as the amount of protein is being passed on, by our genetic makeup. In people with muscular dystrophy, due to gene mutation, wrong information is passed from one generation to another generation due to which these important proteins not being produced or being produced in very low quantities. Without these proteins, muscles lose their structural and functional integrity slowly and progressively, which may affect the overall normal functioning of the body. Stem cell treatment for MD Muscles are the important fibrous connective tissue of the human body primarily involved in movements in connection with the bones and skeleton. They are responsible for the beating of the heart, closing of eyelids and constitute the walls of the important organs. There are different types of muscles working in our bodies such as cardiac muscles, skeleton muscles, and smooth muscles. These muscles are the bundles of the packed cells known as muscle fiber cells. Due to different types of genetic manipulations, cells of the muscles are lost in neuromuscular degenerative diseases such as Muscular Dystrophy. There are some stored cells known as stem cells or satellite cells which are responsible for the production of dead muscle fiber cells to cope up with the damage. In case of MD, when cells are damaged, they activate stem cells to form new muscle fibers or fuse with the existing cells to repair the damage. However, over time, the damage is so high that the reserved quota of stem cells may not be sufficient. Scientists have proved that our body has different sources of stem cells in different organs which are not being utilized. These sources of stem cells can now be used to isolate rich populations of stem cells which when infused into the muscles can replace the damaged muscle cells with healthy muscular fibers and reduced the inflammation associated with muscular dystrophy thereby slowing the progression of the disease. Treatment of MD at our Partner Clinics Generally, stem cells are administered through any one of the following methods: Intra Muscular Administration- Through this mode, cells are infused directly in the muscles. Intravenous Administration- Through this mode, cells are infused through the veins along with the mannitol to expand blood volumes in the central nervous system to ensure that the maximum number of cells are reaching the targeted area. Once infused back in the body, these cells can reach the targeted site through their strong paracrine effects and differentiate into lost muscle fiber cells or help revive the damaged ones to restore their function. Thus with our standardized, broad-based and holistic approach, it is now possible to obtain noticeable improvements and stop the progression of the disease in patients with progressive MD.

Multiple Sclerosis

Facts about Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). In MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. Eventually, the disease can cause the nerves themselves to deteriorate or become permanently damaged. Signs and symptoms of MS vary widely and depend on the amount of nerve damage and which nerves are affected. Some people with severe MS may lose the ability to walk independently or at all, while others may experience long periods of remission without any new symptoms. There’s no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, treatments can help speed recovery from attacks, modify the course of the disease and manage symptoms. Symptoms Multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms may differ greatly from person to person and over the course of the disease depending on the location of affected nerve fibers. They may include: Numbness or weakness in one or more limbs that typically occurs on one side of your body at a time, or the legs and trunk. Partial or complete loss of vision, usually in one eye at a time, often with pain during eye movement. Prolonged double vision. Tingling or pain in parts of your body. Electric-shock sensations that occur with certain neck movements, especially bending the neck forward. Tremor, lack of coordination or unsteady gait. Slurred speech Fatigue. Dizziness Problems with bowel and bladder function.


What is Lupus ? Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years.

Liver Diseases

What is Liver Disease? The liver is the second largest organ of the body, about the size of a football, lying just under the rib cage at the right side of the abdomen. It performs several important functions such as fighting infections and diseases, removing toxins from the body, controlling fat level of the body by releasing the bile, helping blood to clot, aids in digestions by breaking down complex molecules into simple forms.

Liver Cirrhosis

What is Liver Cirrhosis? Cirrhosis is a late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver caused by many forms of liver disease and conditions, such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism. The liver carries out several necessary functions, including detoxifying harmful substances in your body, cleaning your blood and making vital nutrients.

Diabetes (type 2)

What is Diabetes Type 2? Diabetes is the disease affecting the metabolism of glucose. Glucose is required by the body’s cells for energy production and normal functioning. This glucose comes in the blood from the food we eat and is carried to the cellular level by an important hormone known as insulin. Once the meal is consumed by the body, it breaks down into glucose and other nutrients which are then absorbed in the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. This glucose is then transferred from the blood stream to the cells. Diabetes develops when the body either can’t prepare insulin or can’t respond to the insulin. Diabetes can be mainly differentiated into two broad categories such as Type 1 & Type 2.

Diabetes (type 1)

What is Diabetes Type 1 ? Diabetes is the disease affecting the metabolism of glucose. Glucose is required by the body’s cells for energy production and normal functioning. This glucose comes in the blood from the food we eat and is carried to the cellular level by an important hormone known as insulin. Once the meal is consumed by the body, it breaks down into glucose and other nutrients which are then absorbed in the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. This glucose is then transferred from the blood stream to the cells. Diabetes develops when the body either can’t prepare insulin or can’t respond to the insulin. Diabetes can be mainly differentiated into two broad categories such as Type 1 & Type 2.

Crohn's Disease

What is Crohn’s Disease ? Named after Dr. Burrill B. Crohn, who first described the disease in 1932 along with colleagues Dr. Leon Ginzburg and Dr. Gordon D. Oppenheimer, Crohn’s disease belongs to a group of conditions known as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract.


What is COPD? COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is a term commonly used for a group of lung conditions including but not limited to emphysema, chronic bronchitis and refractory asthma. The disease is mainly characterized by severe breathing difficulty and coughing, which is mistakenly concluded as the normal part of aging.

Chronic Pain

What is Chronic Pain Syndrome ? Chronic pain syndrome is a common problem affecting almost 40-50% of the total world population. Pain is the sensation that is triggered by the central nervous system as an alarm of a possible injury. However, in the case of chronic pain, these signals are kept firing by the nervous system, which can be continued for weeks, months and years. This type of pain is called neuropathic pain due to the pathological changes in neurons of the peripheral and central nervous system.

Cerebral Palsy

What Is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is a blanket term for brain damage with motor impairment. It is typically caused due to brain injury or abnormal development before, during or immediately after birth. A child with Palsy generally exhibits signs of physical as well as mental impairment. However, the kind and the extent of motor dysfunction, parts of the body as well as the number of limbs involved will be different in different individuals. In short, every case is unique of its kind; one may be totally paralytic and dependent, whereas the other may be slightly symptomatic requiring little assistance.


What is Autism? Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder is the wide arena of many complicated childhood disorder, causing mild to severe impairment in the normal brain development of the child. On a general note it is referred to as neurological disorder during the first three years of life with triad of restrictions in the mental abilities such as social interactions, social communication and repetitive behaviour or flexi thinking due to unprocessed sensory information. Thus, in short an Autistic child, is the child with the special needs that can be taken care of in a very special way!